Sunday, June 3, 2012

Storming the castle

            When I look at my brothers, I can't help but think of them as though they were three of the Seven Dwarfs that just happened to get lost. I suppose if I had to name them, Paul, my older brother, would be Daydreamer, Jason, my younger brother, would be Slap Happy, and Nick, my youngest brother, would be Winsome. These actually sound more like really bad Native American names, but they would do. Growing up we fought like it was our day job and we sure racked up that overtime. If someone had told my twelve year-old self that these fools would be my best friends someday, my twelve year-old self would have kicked them in the shins and put gum in their hair. However, when the four of us are together something divine and awe-inspiring comes into effect. It's beyond kinship, but a necessity to our wellbeing and prosperity. No one in the world, not even our very parents, can absorb the four corners of our world. When one of us is missing, we feel the empty space. But when we get together, it's an explosion of our individual elements that we seem to thrive on in one-another and suddenly become an invincible force to be reckoned with. It's too bad we couldn't make an exact superpower of it. Bad guys of the world would certainly have what was coming to them if that held any truth. If only.
            All three of my brothers have kids of their own now and I've become that crazy, nomad, Aunt that shows up once in a while to shake them up a bit and drive their mother's nuts. I love that they're little extensions of my brothers and it makes me happy that they're the next generation of us. The deviants are thriving brilliantly thanks to the encouragement of their fathers. My brothers may now be considered adults, but I still see the children that they are and it's endearing, yet, strange to see them as fathers, because I know that they're still growing as people themselves. Like all of us, I suppose.
            This afternoon we gathered for my Niece's 1st birthday and Nick rented one of those inflatable bounce houses, or castles, to be precise. Note to self: not a good idea to put inflatable anything in the hands or in the vicinity of any of my brothers. They will find a way to deflate it or use it for inappropriate purposes. Although, I would be a liar if I said I don't join in on the fun. Usually, I just sit on the sidelines watching and laughing, encouraging them to continue to do whatever stupid thing they have going. However, as I mentioned earlier, together we are a force to be reckoned with. Between the four of us, we managed to squeeze into this bouncing castle, knock down small children who got in our way and with teamwork, collapsed it in no time. Yes! The DaRochas strike again! We really should make ourselves costumes...for identity purposes. Then we could kick ass and my parents wouldn't have to hide in shame anymore.

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