Friday, May 25, 2012

One down

            Well, I made it through day one with not a scratch on me. Only 364 days to go. I'm off to an excellent start here. Although, yesterday, I spent the night at work, trying to be discrete and forget that it was my birthday. Just the way I like it. However, that's an impossibility these days, due to social media. Damn, that Facebook! I get to work and the first thing I see before I can even focus my eyes in the dim lighting on the person in front of me, I get hit with half a dozen screeching adults yelling "happy birthday" in my ears. Then at the end of the shift my co-workers go so far as to sing to me while hovering a warm chocolate cake in front of my face. Woe is meI'll take the cake just stop singing, PLEASE. I suppose it was worth the embarrassment for a good sugar fix.
            Sitting at a Starbucks on this fine foggy morning with a tall cup of joe in front of me, I decided to begin day two of my life getting the wheels turning. One of the many things I hope to accomplish within the year is to read and learn as much as I possibly can. At the moment, my guilty pleasure is the famed Fifty Shades Of Grey by E. L. James. For those of you who are not familiar with this here book... it's basically housewife's porn in the guise of a harmless paperback with a discrete and simple cover design. Open those pages, however, and oh boy, it will swallow you whole. Walking in with a copy of the book tucked under my arm I sat down at the only table available hoping to focus solely on reading. Bad idea. Awkwardly enough, in the middle of the cafe where I have no place to turn where I can hide my blushing face. I couldn't get more than a page or two without looking like a giddy twelve-year-old after hearing someone say fart or penis in a quiet room, full of people. I need to stop reading this book in public.
            For those of you who frown upon my reading choices, I can say that this is actually "required" reading for me. I'm a proud member of a small book club that meets once a month on a rotation. I say proud because it's quite exclusive. I had to wait a few friggin' months to first, wait for someone to drop out, then, second, be recommended by someone who was on the "inside." You got to know people in high places apparently. Who would have thought you would need to go to so much trouble to be in a book club? Jeez. Well worth it though. I'd never get through reading a book I normally wouldn't pick up otherwise. And it keeps my introverted-self social. Each member of the club has a chance to host at their apartment. The host prepares a dinner based on the theme of the book for everyone and the rest of us bring a bottle of wine. After we have all read our book we vote on a date to meet and discuss it over food and lots of wine. We are all intelligent, avid readers with different backgrounds and different tastes so our meetings have had some great debates and revelations because of this. Monday is our meet date for Fifty Shades and I'm on pins and needles to get to the end of this one. I'm a little curious to know where this month's host will go with the theme this time. Hmm, I think I should bring two bottles of wine.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Marcy,
    This is awesome beginning!!!
    Best thing about it is, it is original and you did not pretend.... Every word was straight from the bottom of the heart...
    Every feeling as a 10 year old or a 12 year old or a 32 year old or someday getting at 33, you have portrayed it in such a real way(great job on this one).
    I love to read and couldn't stop once I started reading your blogs(infact I read both articles twice).
    I could connect with your writing and felt part of me at lots of places.Please keep writing and someday you want to publish it as a book which, I am sure lots of people might want to read.....
    I cannot wait to know the outcome, learnings from your next bookclub meeting...
